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Get the kids excited about the great outdoors

If you have a young family, you probably already know the benefits of outdoor play for children. It promotes motor skills, boosts fitness and can help to prevent obesity. Plus, it’s fun.

However, luring little ones away from screens can be a struggle. Here are a few tips to get your kids excited about the great outdoors, from cloud bingo to family bike rides. 

Wheels for walks

A scooter or doll’s pram can encourage younger children to walk. As they get older, skateboards or rollerblades will tempt reluctant walkers to venture outdoors.

Water skipping

On hot days, twirl the garden hose to create a ‘skipping rope’ of water spray. The garden gets watered too, summer win-win right there.

Wash the car

Pull on old clothes, get a bucket and two sponges and get scrubbing together. A wheely good way to spend time outside.

Pavement hopscotch

Carry chalk and pick up pebbles to play hopscotch anywhere, anytime. Remember to join in – you’re never too old for hopscotch.

Go treasure hunting

Whether it’s walking the dogs or going for a stroll, children love the idea of finding treasures along the way. Make a list together of things to find – something red, a pebble, a leaf, or a cat to stroke. 

Play cloud bingo

Explain the different cloud types, from stratus to cumulonimbus, and then get the children to identify as many as they can. Perfect for kids with their head in the clouds.

Wildlife trekking

Buy some inexpensive binoculars and a wildlife guide and go on safari in your own garden.  Perhaps your child could draw or photograph the animals they identify?

Get on your bike 

Ditch the car for bikes to turn trips into adventures. For the youngest children, you’ll need a trailer or bike seat – don’t forget the helmets.

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